What Do I Need to Fill out the FAFSA
The journey toward helping you select a college is more than just about choosing the right institution, it's also about understanding the financial options available to you. To navigate the new FAFSA process, we have compiled the six items you need to complete the FAFSA in a timely manner.
Here’s a checklist of everything you need to fill out, sign and submit the FAFSA:
1. Your FSA ID
An FSA ID. Your FSA ID allows you to log in to your account, sign the FAFSA and make changes or add schools. You and your parent must create separate FSA IDs.
2. Your Social Security Number
You and your parent’s Social Security or Alien Registration number.
3. Your Driver’s License Number
If you don't have a driver's license don't worry, you can skip this resource.
4. Your Federal Income Tax Return
You and your parent’s federal income tax returns and W-2s from 2021.
5. Bank Statement
If applicable, other records of money earned and records of investments and untaxed income.
If you can't find these materials right away: you can start the FAFSA and come back as many times as you need to update information or add schools. The important thing is for you to get started!
Want to know more? Check out the FAFSA YouTube channel for step-by-step instructions on creating an FSA ID and filling out the form. Student Financial Services will help you with any questions you have at any time in the process, so don’t hesitate to contact them as well.
Calculating the Cost
Deciphering the real cost of college can be complicated, but it doesn't have to be. It starts by understanding what you'll pay after you're awarded scholarships and grants.
Join the thousands of others who have tried our Net Price Calculator — 5 minutes is all it takes to estimate what you'll pay.
Hint: Make sure you have School Rank, GPA and Current Tax Information available before you start!