Fast Facts is a clear and eye catching way to call out numbers that you want to highlight on a page.
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Training Video
- This is a temporary link. St. Edward's should update this link once videos have been stored in a more permanent location.
Required fields
- Title
- Facts: Minimum of 2, maximum of 3
- Fact Stats
- Fact Subtitles
Recommended character limits
- Title: Maximum of 30 characters
- Description: Maximum of 220 characters
- Fact Subtitle: Maximum of 90 characters
- Fact Description: Maximum of 170 characters
Use Cases
Use Fast Facts to call out compelling statistics like the university's ranking on the homepage. This full-width version will be applied on pages that do not have a sidebar navigation menu like the Visit and Apply pages.
2 Facts / Optional Intro / With Descriptions / White Background
Optional intro 220 character max sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas tincidunt urna a porta lobortis. Aliquam sit amet eros quam. Fusce venenatis ipsum non est porta porttitor. Curabitur aliquet mattis elit.
2 Facts / No Optional Intro / No Descriptions / Gray Background
3 Facts / Optional Intro / No Descriptions / White Background
Optional intro 220 character max sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas tincidunt urna a porta lobortis. Aliquam sit amet eros quam. Fusce venenatis ipsum non est porta porttitor. Curabitur aliquet mattis elit.