Are you ready to create your unique, on-brand materials? You've come to the right place! These resources will help you create branded content and materials representing St. Edward's.
All files require a university login. Please reach out to us with any questions or needed assistance using these assets.
Color Palettes (ASE) — Print | Digital
Color Pairings and Schemes (PDF)
Color Contrast Grid (JPG)
Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE) files work in design programs such as InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. Load these color files to your program to easily access our color palettes. Follow these import instructions for Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign:
- Download the appropriate ASE file for your application (print or digital)
- Open your swatches palette by clicking the Menu > Window > Swatches
- Click the fly-out menu and choose “Load Swatches” or “Open Swatch Library/Other Library”
- Navigate to the ASE file
- Your swatches will open up in a new swatch palette in your design program
Design Components
Graphic Elements (PDF, INDD, EPS)
Icons (JPG, PNG, EPS)
Landmark Font Treatments (PDF, INDD)
Animations (GIF, MOV)
Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) files are vector files to share with vendors, for use in printing promotional items, swag, etc. These require a design program to open them, such as Adobe Illustrator.
Digital Display
Primary and Secondary Fonts
Limited font licenses are available for Marr Sans and Noe. Please submit a request if you have an appropriate use case and would like to request licenses for your computer. In addition, FedEx Office has a license and can create collateral using the font families.
Display Font
Careful guidance must be taken when using Landmark. For this reason, font licenses are limited. However, font treatments have been created for university-wide use and are available for download. Please reach out to request a specific font treatment for your project.
Before using our university fonts, carefully review the Typography guidance and information regarding font licenses.
Photo Library (campus-wide use)
Swivle (image library for Comms Ambassadors)
Logo files (JPG, PNG, EPS)
Logo files for vendors (JPG, PNG, EPS)
Request a logo lockup and avatar
Social media avatars — Need your avatar? Request one from the Marketing Office
Identities and Spirit Marks
Topper Spirit Mark (JPG, PNG, PDF, EPS)
Red Doors (JPG, PNG, PDF, EPS)
Photo and Video Libraries
Recommended Photographers and Videographers
Photo/Video Release — All visuals captured of subjects must include a photo/video release. Are you planning an event with a large attendance? Please see the Photo/Video Release Statement for guidelines on the consent of usage.
Photo Sizing Tools
Digital letterhead — Color | Black and white