When to Create a New Page

Visitors should be rewarded with valuable content every time they click to a new page.

Often, new content can be incorporated onto an existing page. Consider updating page titles to accommodate the expanded content rather than adding an additional page. Before creating a new page, ask these questions to determine if it’s needed:

Can I incorporate the content on an existing page?

If the answer is yes, you do not need a new page.

Do I have time or resources to keep the content updated?

If the answer is no, you do not need a new page.

Do I have enough content to keep visitors engaged?

If the answer is no, look for an opportunity on an existing page to include the content.

Are visitors currently looking for this content on my pages?

Marketing can help by pulling a report to show how existing pages are performing with users. This can help determine if a new page is needed or if existing content should be streamlined to ensure users find what they're looking for efficiently.

Deleting a Page

If a page is getting extremely low traffic or the content has become outdated, it can be deleted.

Marketing is available to delete pages and put a redirect in place so visitors don’t get a “page not found” screen.