Because of their similar appearance, try to avoid using pullquotes and blockquotes on the same page.

Pullquotes and blockquotes are a way to emphasize content on your page, as well as visually break up the page. They should be used sparingly for greatest effect.

Use pullquotes to highlight a key element of your copy. Pullquotes are best used in between content sections, where the reader is expecting a logical break. Pullquotes should be between 1-2 sentences. 

Use blockquotes for when you are highlighting text from another source. Blockquotes should be between 1-3 sentences.

“We shall always place education side by side with instruction; the mind will not be cultivated at the expense of the heart. While we prepare useful citizens for society, we shall likewise do our utmost to prepare citizens for heaven.” —Blessed Basil Moreau, CSC 

How to Add Pullquotes and Blockquotes